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Game socket

Nodejs is required on local (game) or remote machine. Version recommended - latest version.

If you have nodejs installed, skip this step
For Debian and Ubuntu you can use following commands to install nodejs

# Update latest system packages$ sudo apt update 
# Install node with -y parm to accept all incoming confirmations$ sudo apt install nodejs -y
# After all is installed, check do we have nodejs installed$ node -v
# If you see numbers, you are good to go :D # npm is not required since no 3rd party packages are used

Before running script we need to create config.js file. We can grab config.example.js data for example and paste it new config.js

Config data:

  • token: token used for authentication with clint. This field can empty, app will generate auth key or you can write down own token.
  • port: local port of app. This is required for a game and client.
  • address: game server ip address. If app runs on same server as game write or if you use remote game server, use that remote address.

Note: config.js need to be in same dir as game.js.

Manualy place game.js and run it with command

$ node game.js

There should be message logged in terminal if its all good.

Why we use node app?
Reason is simple, game server with native socket module cant listen for incoming connections. Another reason is easier auth and preparing outgoing data.